建築家的20歲年代 作 者:東京大學工學部建築學科安藤忠雄硏究室編 ; 謝宗哲, 黃曦穎譯.
出版者:臺北市 : 田園城市文化 師大索書號:720.7 235
★在面對問題時一向採取著率直的態度,在誠實面對自我的同時,也盡力將那最好的部份堅持做到最後。心裡一直希望透過這樣的做法來蓋出好的建築,而沒有刻意地要去做出屬於自己的風格或樣式。……這與其說是在形式表現上的想像,倒不如說是在深究敘事性之建築的可能性後所產生的結果。 --Ricardo Legorreta
(Renzo Piano)、巴黎阿拉伯文化中心的建築師尚.努維勒 (Jean Nouvel)、墨西哥知名建築師里卡多.李格瑞塔
(Ricardo Legorreta)、畢爾包古根漢美術館的建築師法蘭克.蓋瑞 (Frank Ghery)、羅浮宮玻璃金字塔的建築師貝聿銘,以及巴黎法國國立圖書館的建築師多米尼克.培侯 (Dominique Perrault),前來東京大學建築系和師生談談他們過去的經驗,是怎麼開始對建築產生興趣?在之前是用什麼樣的方式學習建築等等這類建築教育上的課題,以及在事務所執業之初所發生的事情為中心進行討論。透過這樣的講座,讓這些優秀建築家充滿熱誠而饒富個性的演講給予學生們一些刺激與鼓勵,並希望他們立足廿一世紀開始學著去創
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Disappearing Architecture: From Real to Virtual to Quantum 作 者:Georg Flachbart等 電子書所屬系統:SpringerLink
Architecture has always been a multi-layered discipline playing a catalytic role within society: architecture as representation. Recent developments in nextgeneration computing of the beyond-the-desktop-era (autonomic, grid, ubiquitous and quantum computing) are, however, set to challenge this role. In order to stay in synch with these developments, architecture must significantly change: architecture as an enabling platform that does not prescribe any particular
kinds of spatial experiences, but enables them all. In this volume, based on the principle of shared research interests with internationally renowned scientific institutions, research labs and architectural studios, the editors propose a new kind of architecture - heterarchitecture -, conceived as a quantum object in which real space (1, OFF-line) and virtual space (0, ONline) are literally superimposed, thus obeying the rules of quantum mechanics (1 and 0, OFF and ON at once) rather than classical physics. It
is an architecture against architecture - at least of the traditional kind, which recognizes only either-or; either 1 or 0, either inside or outside, either enclosing or excluding. It is an invisible architecture that makes numerous parallel virtual worlds visible. It is an upside-down architecture: architecture as a pure infrastructure. Welcome to the Multiverse!