ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. We provide ORCID to researchers free of charge so that we may realize our vision of connecting all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time.
People use “ORCID” or “ORCID iD” interchangeably, but what they’re talking about is a 16-digit number and the associated record (sometimes called a profile) that stores automatic links to all your research, and links all your research with you. By allowing trusted organizations to add your research information to your ORCID record, you can spend more time conducting your research and less time managing it.
By allowing trusted organizations to add your research information to your ORCID record, you can spend more time conducting your research and less time managing it!
ORCID helps reduce the negative consequences of name changes so you will no longer be limited to the name you used when you began your career.
ORCID links all your research together, while you control the visibility of each piece of data. Set your visibility to public to increase your discoverability!
Distinguish yourself and claim credit for your work while controlling access to your data, no matter how many people have your same (or similar) name.
Experience greater ease as an increasing number of manuscript submission or grant application forms can be auto-populated when you log into their systems with your ORCID, like NIH Biosketch, ScienCV, CiênciaVitae, Portuguese FCT, and OJS.
Easily share your data between your record and an increasing number of funding, publications, data repositories, and other research workflows.
In your record, you have access to nearly 1,200 integrations across research and academic institutions, publishers, funders, and other service providers and more are being added all the time! Learn how to connect your record here.
Did you know the visibility of each piece of data in your ORCID record is controlled by you? Learn how to adjust visibility to make your work discoverable—or keep some things private or shared only with your trusted organizations. It’s up to you!
Add funding information to your record by manually, or by importing from other systems such as DimensionsWizard.
Ensure that data such as peer reviews and other works automatically get pushed to your record when they become available by linking your record with Datacite, Crossref or Publons.